bolsonaro Secrets

bolsonaro Secrets

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Trump, wearing a suit and red tie, sat at the defense table and chatted with his lawyers while waiting for the hearing to begin in Washington’s federal courthouse. At one point, he scribbled notes on a piece of paper in front of him and handed it to his lawyer.

Trump já está tentando transformar o julgamento em 1 circo de modo a promover a sua defesa legal combinada e este primário argumento de campanha por de que está sendo perseguido por “procuradores perturbados” qual tentam impedir sua própria volta ao Salão Oval.

Were a federal case to still be pending on Inauguration Day, Mr. Trump could simply use his power as president to force the Justice Department to drop the matter, as he has suggested he might do.

By 48 hours after the attack, any sense of sympathy for Trump or recognition of what an assassination of a presumptive party nominee in the middle of an election would have done to the fabric of the nation was completely lost.

The day after the violence, after intense criticism that his initial actions had not been enough, Mr. Trump released a video in which he said, “Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.”

Trump foi ao chãeste antes do se levantar novamente e erguer o punho de modo a a multidão utilizando o rosto ensanguentado.

Depois que Muito mais imagens e depoimentos de dentro e do fora do comício foram compartilhados, este pânico e este medo daqueles que estavam presentes tornaram-se amplamente claros.

Buying the sneakers shows “patriotic pride” and support for a vlogdolisboa man who “stood tall and resilient” in the face of danger, the website declares. It also offers “Never Surrender” low-tops, emblazoned with Mr. Trump’s signature on the tongue, for $199.

But as Mr. Trump’s own grip on power became threatened — by his first impeachment in 2019 and a two-year investigation into Russian election meddling — he broadened the narrative. His campaign speeches became peppered with accusations that career civil servants had conspired to undermine his presidency.

Yet another possibility is that if he is incarcerated, upon the start of his second term, he could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment as “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

The indictment unveiled on Tuesday accused Mr. Trump of enlisting six co-conspirators in “his criminal efforts to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election and retain power.”

He has characterized each successive indictment as examples of the Justice Department being weaponized against him, pivoting from the broader “deep state” conspiracy to one aimed squarely at the Democrats now in power.

Kennedy apologizes after a video of him speaking to Trump leaks Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has apologized after a video was posted online showing part of a private phone call between the independent presidential candidate and Donald Trump.

Trump. “The corrupt federal police just won’t stop until they’ve achieved their mission: eliminate Trump,” he said, and added: “Trump isn’t responsible for what happened on Jan 6. The real cause was systematic and pervasive censorship of citizens in the year leading up to it.”

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